Friday, November 14, 2014

Defining Non-Mormons in Utah, from My Favorite "Common Law Mormon" Columnist

To The Herald Journal

Dear Editor,

I subscribe to the Herald Journal for many reasons--local news, obituaries, comic strips, the crossword puzzle, tradition--but very possibly my number one reason is the wonderful, laugh-out-loud, weekly humor column, "Slightly Off-Center."  Dennis Hincamp makes me laugh out loud on a weekly basis, which is not an easy thing to do!  His article this week labeling himself as a "Common Law Mormon" and identifying the different types of non-Mormons in Utah is one of his best yet.  It made me (a dyed-in-the-wool, born and bred, pioneer stock Latter-day Saint) just about fall off my chair, I was laughing so hard.  I had to grab for my scissors to clip and save it for my year's supply of humor.  Then I went straight to my computer to dash off this letter to publicly express my gratitude, since that's probably more appropriate than bearing my testimony about it on Sunday.  But I'm definitely going to link to the online article in my Mormon blog.

Thank you, Dennis, for keeping it real, and keeping it funny.  Please keep it up until you die.  And may you live to be 115.

Nancy Wyatt Jensen

Slightly Off-Center, by Dennis Hinkamp

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Young Women in Excellence: "Shine Your Light"

We just had a great Evening of Excellence 
with our Young Women.
Our theme was "Shine Your Light."

The Young Women sang "Share His Light"
by Jenny Phillips.

Our YW First Counselor
had taken beautiful backlit photos of each girl,
which we displayed next to these adorable
lightbulb candy jars from Hobby Lobby
 filled with Lemonheads.

One of our Relief Society teachers
gave a talk on being "photogenic,"
following an idea from this blog.
Since "photo" means light,
and "genic" means life,
anyone with the Light of Christ
is photogenic.

She brought a picture of herself
in her most photogenic moment:
with her grandchildren.

Each girl stood and talked about
 a value experience
that she had worked on this year
and that had made a difference in her life.
(This was the best part of the evening!)

Our wonderful Bishop added some remarks.

And then, 
of course,


Everything in lemon flavors or yellow colors.

It was a delightful evening!

Monday, November 10, 2014

A Good Day

Any day that you have money to shop for groceries
is a good day.

For many people in the world, 
it would be an absolutely fabulous day.

That means pretty much every day in my life
is a good day.

Something to remember.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Look Alikes

Recently I met a man who looked just like Elder Bednar.

He said, "Yeah, I get that a lot."

The first thing that came to my mind was,
"I hope you're nice to everyone."

Really!  If you look like an Apostle of the Lord,
you had better make sure you also act like him.
Otherwise, you could really mess someone up
who thinks you are him.

So this makes me think to myself,
Have you received His image in your countenance?
Have you taken the name of Christ?
Are you a Christian?

Well, then,
I'd better be nice to everyone.
If I'm a disciple of Christ,
I'd better act like Him.
Even while I'm driving.
Even while I'm online.
Even while I'm upset.
Even while I'm waiting in line.
Otherwise, I could really mess someone up.

Eat, Breathe, Grow, Give

Joseph Smith said, 
"Happiness is the object and design of our existence and will be the end thereof if we pursue the path that leads to it."
Notice there is an IF in that sentence.  We are not guaranteed happiness.  We have to pursue the path that leads to it.

One of the most ghastly stories in the Old Testament is found at the end of the Book of Judges.  It deals with cowardice, with devaluing of women, with rape, with murder, with desecration of a human body, with vengeance and bloodshed.  I won't repeat the story here because I dislike reading it, let alone writing it.  Why is such a story in the Bible?

Its value is found in its juxtaposition with the Book of Ruth, which directly follows it.  In the story of Ruth we find its direct opposite:  A woman is found to be of great value despite being from an enemy land, and of an idol-worshiping heritage, because she converts, is fiercely loyal to her mother-in-law, and because she serves and loves whole-heartedly.

The Book of Ruth and the Book of Judges actually take place at the same time in history.  Ruth chose to live differently than those depicted in Judges.  In this life, we have the choice of which "book" we are going to live in, and which story we are going to create.

Jesus Christ said,
I am come that they might have life and that they might have it more abundantly."  (John 10:10)  
We can choose that abundant life that Christ offered.

When I was a little kid, I learned on TV ("Schoolhouse Rock") that something is alive if it
breathes, and
Therefore, a plant is alive, while a rock is not.

But there is one more property to life:
 Something that is alive and really thriving also
In nature, that means it reproduces and/or contributes to the world around it. 

By breaking a small branch off my jade tree, I can grow another jade tree without diminishing the original tree; in fact, the pruning will spur growth.  I have given away 30 jade plants as gifts from this one tree.

When we choose to 
eat the "Bread of Life" by studying Christ's teachings, 
breathe by letting the Spirit direct our every move, 
grow and improve our abilities,
give of ourselves, 
we are living that abundant life that Jesus Christ promised.
When I feel stagnant, bored, or useless,
I need to consider which of these categories 
is lacking, and by investing in it, 
I can return to a more abundant state of life.